Because of the popularity of this page, we’ve moved it, expanded it and updated it with even more information on Loreto Baja, Mexico including Loreto Bay.

You can find restaurant reviews, information on hotels, podcasts, stories, photos and more.

You can navigate to these enhanced sections using the MENUS at top of our site, or use these short-cuts here:

  • ‘Best of Blog’
    Top blog posts about Loreto and Loreto Bay
  • The Loreto Baja Blog archive
    Over 170 posts on Loreto, Baja and Loreto Bay!

Thanks for visiting StarkSilverCreek,

Clint and Loni
December 19, 2008

It’s been quite a year of Loreto blogging. We decided to take a breath, and summarize everything organized by topic.

All About Loreto Bay Sales, Marketing, Logos, Web Sites, Press

Construction Photos, Plans, Updates, Design

Updates from Loreto Bay Company and Replay Resorts

Homeowner Events

The Inn at Loreto Bay


Loreto Adventures, Activities, Golf Course, Estuaries

Loreto Services, Stores, Restaurants and More

Homeowners and Life in Loreto

Loreto and Baja Travel Guide and Book Reviews

Getting to Loreto

Other Developments in the Loreto Area


Resources and Tools

Clinton Stark
Clinton shoots videos for Stark Insider. San Francisco Bay Area arts, Ingmar Bergman and French New Wave, and chasing the perfect home espresso shot 25 seconds at a time (and failing). Peloton: ClintTheMint. Camera: Video Gear