Photo taken by Annie Omens, fellow Loreto Bay homeowner and professional photographer. We bumped into Alan and Annie Omens while walking down the Paseo. We chatted for a bit and they were interested in seeing our Nueva Chica that was under construction which was just where Clint and I were heading. This photo was taken in our Nueva Chica great room with Annie’s camera, which has the largest lens I’ve ever seen. Only in Loreto can you be in the middle of a construction zone getting your photo taken by another homeowner who just happens to have incredible equipment and skill. We are a talented bunch aren’t we? (I’ve also included two of the composite photos Annie took while flying out of Loreto at the end of this entry.)

While making my variation of Neapolitan Meatballs for tonight’s San Francisco Bay Area Loreto Bay Homeowner’s Potluck Fiesta (now that’s a mouthful), I thought I would share the FM3 Renewal requirements I got from Rodolfo at Loreto Bay.

I had emailed him a week ago as Clint and I realized that its almost a year since we got our FM3s – how time flies! There are many website out there with different requirements so I figured it may be better to try to get them for the local office in Loreto.

Here is the list we got:


Formato oficial – Fill oficial form
FM1 – Fill FM1 form
Carta de primer prorroga – Letter of first  deferral
Numero migratorio. Migration Number ( On your FM3)
Actividades – “Activities” – Not sure what this refers to yet…anyone have any ideas?
Fotos 3 Frente, 3 Perfil; Blanco y Negro, 4×4 cm (Photos for FM3 renewal)
Copia Pasaporte ( Copy of all pages of passport)
Copia FM3 (Copy of every page of FM3)
Carta Solicitando la Prorroga (Letter requesting renewal)Estados de Cuenta Bancarios ( Bank statement of the last three months)
Comprobante de Domicilio (Proof of address)
Pago de Derechos en el Banco ( Payment on bank for the service)




Clint and I are already booked to swing by Loreto again end of October – looking forward to it as our Loreto home should have progressed quite a bit since the last photos we received. Hope to see some of you there!


If you want hi-res versions of these, please contact us and we will pass your message on to Annie Omens.

Loni Stark
Loni Stark is an artist at Atelier Stark, self-professed foodie, and adventure travel seeker who has a lifelong passion for technology’s impact on business and creativity. She collaborates with Clinton Stark on video projects for Atelier Stark Films. It’s been said her laugh can be heard from San Jose all the way up to the Golden Gate Bridge. She makes no claims to super powers, although sushi is definitely her Kryptonite.