The nice thing about email and Google is that you can stay abreast of everything even when it seems like life is passing by at a million miles an hour. With Loni in DC in business meetings this week, and me holding the fort here in Silicon Valley reviewing business and marketing plans, it’s nice to take a breather and think about sunshine, beach, outdoor adventure, and relaxing times. That would be Loreto!

Fortunately today I came across a nice article by NYT writer Jim Atkinson on Loreto Bay, “Mexico’s New
Frontier” to be published tomorrow. 07mexi_1He captures the essence of the development and beauty of the region. I wonder how much influence the new marketing wheels of Replay Resorts is impacting “messaging”. For example, I note the use of the word “resort” in the article and, while it is mentioned, sustainability takes a back seat.

It’s always interesting to note what real estate agents buy. After all, they have great perspective and access to all kinds of opportunities and listings before the rest of us. The article mentions a real estate executive that bought a unit in 2004. His choice? A 2,800 sq. ft. penthouse condo, for $625,000. And while I’m sure it seemed like a princely sum at the time, standing on barren land, 07mexi_5_2I bet in a few years time it will seem like an
outright steal. Reward follows the risk.

Another final point of interest is the estimated time and cost of completing the development. Loni and I have heard many different estimates. In this article the latest line is “from $3 billion to $6 billion — a whopping build-out even by 21st-century standards.”

It’s good to see continued press pickups on Loreto. It seems like the secret is finally out.

New York Times “Mexico’s New Frontiers” by Jim Atkinson.

Clinton Stark
Clinton shoots videos for Stark Insider. San Francisco Bay Area arts, Ingmar Bergman and French New Wave, and chasing the perfect home espresso shot 25 seconds at a time (and failing). Peloton: ClintTheMint. Camera: Video Gear