
It’s been a busy week for Loreto Bay. First we received updates on our Nueva Chica progress in Agua Viva (AV025). Then we received an email from Michael Coyle which contained an informative update on Loreto Bay. Now just as the weekend begins we’ve received the first official “Property Management News” newsletter concerning all things related to turning the Loreto Bay resort into a world class tourist destination and how homeowners can participate.

The newsletter is a short 2-pager with limited information; nevertheless it’s another indication of management’s intention to improve communication with homeowners. There is a profile on Rodolfo who runs property management. Loni and I met him in Loreto Bay and were impressed.

Also, a new web site designed to attract interest and tourism was launched. Called “Discover Loreto Bay” you can click here to learn more.

I expect that this is the first in many marketing milestones we will see over the coming months including a new Loreto Bay logo, email/media campaigns, sales blitzes in the fall, and new messaging emphasizing the resort and amenities angle.

Some of the highlights of the new Discover Loreto Bay site include:

  • Special: Fishing packages from $1,450
  • A reservations page
  • Design and partnership on the site is by Hospitality eBUSINESS Strategies
  • Information on amenities included in the 2 and 3 bedroom villas; this is important for homeowners as it demonstrates why minimum standards need to be met for rental program, so that they can advertise a consistent customer experience
  • A complete list of spa services
  • Information on the golf and tennis facilities
  • A brief adventure guide including: scuba, fishing, boating, tennis, whales, kayaking, and cycling
  • A visual gallery with striking photos; attention us homeowners – our places look great in photos!

Overall, I think this is another positive step.

I like that LBC management (Replay) is outsourcing this to experts in the space. It makes sense; there is a lot of precedented expertise in hospitality operations and it would be inefficient to build in-house.

Clinton Stark
Clinton shoots videos for Stark Insider. San Francisco Bay Area arts, Ingmar Bergman and French New Wave, and chasing the perfect home espresso shot 25 seconds at a time (and failing). Peloton: ClintTheMint. Camera: Video Gear