Under construction: The new Loreto terminal opening 2008.

Loreto travelers will have something else, aside from beautiful scenery and warm weather, to greet them later this year when a new airport terminal opens. Add it to the list of incremental changes that are evolving the town from fishing village to bona fide tourist destination.

On each visit, Loni and I pay close attention to not only the construction of our casa, but also the improvements in and around the town, especially infrastructure. There are have been many in the past few years. The newly paved highway 1. Re-surfaced stamped concrete streets in downtown Loreto. 9 holes completed on a beautiful coastal golf course overlooking the Sea of Cortes. An upcoming arroyo overpass. And now a brand new, quite nice looking, airport terminal.

Another shot of the new Loreto terminal. Where is everyone?

However, I hope the airport maintains some authentic Loreto charm embodied in the current “terminal”, a cozy palapa structure replete with our favorite landing game: red light-green light. To the uninitiated, the LTO baggage check stop-light enables visitors to participate in the fun of determining whether they will be screened further. Push a button. Green good. Red and you’re subject to a slight, but friendly, delay. I’ve watched this, along with the rest of us in the passport check line, and I still can’t quite figure out the probability. I don’t think it’s 50/50, and am certain it improves if staff are overloaded and unable to check more red light failed contestants. I do know that Loni is batting perfect with that magic button.

As we were heading to the Inn at Loreto, I also noticed a light array with individual solar panels. I hadn’t noticed this before, and it seems like another clever little idea. Sunshine is so abundant, why not soak up as much as possible?

I don’t know how to describe the new terminal’s architecture, it’s not my expertise. Not craftsman, modern, Tuscan, or any sort of neo. How about corrugated caja?

Current terminal in left foreground, with Alaska Airlines plane in front of the new one. But will it have the stop-light game?

If anyone knows of any other major infrastructure improvements, please let me know. I’ve tried to search for more information, or a web site that would chronicle these projects, but can’t find much.

Stay tuned, next up in our “In Loreto Bay” summer series: Updates on our Agua Viva home construction.

Thanks for visiting. Hasta Luego!

Clinton Stark
Clinton shoots videos for Stark Insider. San Francisco Bay Area arts, Ingmar Bergman and French New Wave, and chasing the perfect home espresso shot 25 seconds at a time (and failing). Peloton: ClintTheMint. Camera: Video Gear