We enjoyed a short visit to Loreto in Baja. It is a beautiful area, that Jacques Cousteau once called “the world’s aquarium”. On our way to Coronado Island a few miles off the coast, sure enough we saw hundreds of dolphins enjoying the Sea of Cortes. An incredible sight!

We spent time with friends and folks from Loreto Bay. There has been good progress in construction as the company learns how to manage contractors effectively, and incrementally improve building techniques.

The biggest news for us:they’ve broken ground on our lot! The foundation is poured and rebar in place. We were a little surprised given many lots in the Founder’s Neighborhood are still under construction. But my understanding is LBC hires multiple contracting companies and allocates them across the development. I’ve heard Eiffel is pulling out, not sure why.

The community is really taking shape. The golf course is under renovation finally. Parts of the development, although still under contruction with equipment and dust, are starting to take life as walkable, enjoyable areas – most notably the customer care, and service area along the Paseo.

Coronadoisland Loniattheinn

Loretodolphins Thewomen

Visit the complete Loreto Bay May 2007 photo gallery on flickr here:

Loni and I will be making several more trips hopefully this year now that we are under construction!

Clinton Stark
Clinton shoots videos for Stark Insider. San Francisco Bay Area arts, Ingmar Bergman and French New Wave, and chasing the perfect home espresso shot 25 seconds at a time (and failing). Peloton: ClintTheMint. Camera: Video Gear