Good news. It’s bud break, and even our severely cut Tim Burton tree seems to be coming to life in our front yard. Graham was right, mother nature is resilient and I don’t think we needed to worry. I’ll keep an eye on it though, and will maybe post some updates. Our lemon tree in the back yard is still going gang busters. Loni is fervently coming up with lemon-based dishes (we have a video and recipe of her lemon cupcakes coming up), and using it liberally across all sorts of dishes — a dash on the curry, some on the fish, etc. Of course, I pop one in a nice cold beer from time to time, which is tasting especially nice in this warm weather.  

I also managed to work my spring cleaning check list a bit. The irrigation test went a-ok, with just a few clogged nozzles. I also hooked up the new plant Loni planted in the courtyard, so we’re hoping that one takes, and climbs the wall.

The Sharks are down 1-0 to Anaheim, our Southern California nemesis. The Ducks seem to have that playoff karma, every year. It’s not a typical a 1 vs. 8 seed match-up. At least the Sharks are faring better than the Leafs and Sens…

For those following The Kite Runner series of interviews, part 3 is on deck and will be released shortly. There is an entertaining “stage combat demo” where you can see Loni give, and take, a punch, theater style!

Thanks to Pat and Barry for a great time last night.

Meantime, here is a summary of what you might have missed over the past week here on SSC. Enjoy the week and spring weather wherever you may be.

Stage and The Arts
News and Editorial
Gadgets and Tech
Tasty Stuff

Around the World
All Things Wine
Loreto Baja
Clinton Stark
Clinton shoots videos for Stark Insider. San Francisco Bay Area arts, Ingmar Bergman and French New Wave, and chasing the perfect home espresso shot 25 seconds at a time (and failing). Peloton: ClintTheMint. Camera: Video Gear