tim-burton-treeI tweeted (@clintonstark) yesterday that I was annoyed the landscapers cut back one of our frontyard trees too far, too late. Now Loni and I watch everyday for signs of life… will it all of a sudden come to life? Or is it a goner.

In previous years, it has been pruned earlier in the season, around late January or early February. This year for some reason they waited until April.

Although when I think back, I wonder if I go through this paranoia every year, only to be relieved when months later the tree is absolutely huge. I’m a gardening neophyte (diligently following Loni’s instructions when needed) so I expect many of you will know better.

Meantime, I fret, staring at it in the morning with a coffee, and in the evening with wine. Will it survive, or will it too succumb to the recession?

PS – unrelated side note. I heard someone today use the expression “AG” as in “All Good”… and this was in a supposedly professional Silicon Valley office and meeting… please don’t tell me this is a new catch phrase that will inexplicably catch on like “cool beans”?


Clinton Stark
Clinton shoots videos for Stark Insider. San Francisco Bay Area arts, Ingmar Bergman and French New Wave, and chasing the perfect home espresso shot 25 seconds at a time (and failing). Peloton: ClintTheMint. Camera: Video Gear