Since I wrote last week about McDonald’s new push into premium coffee drinks such as Lattes and Mochas, I’ve seen increased advertising by the golden arches on television and in newsprint. Seems like they’re serious about taking a slice of Starbuck’s business. I still have not tried one yet. Who knows, maybe I will just so I can write about the experience of drinking a super caffeinated, sugarized, ice concoction from America’s most famous fast food outlet. It might be the perfect excuse to also enjoy my annual Quarter Pounder with Cheese.

Kayaking continues to be an immensely popular topic. Jane Lurie has written several posts, some with stunning photos of kayaking on the Sea of Cortez. It is therapeutic and a deep cleanse for the soul and spirit.

Guest blogger Patterson’s Vancouver adventure has provided some first hand stories and photos form the streets of the great coastal Canadian city. It will be a big scene next year when they host the 2010 Winter Olympics, eh.

Speaking of guest blogging, a reminder to all those interested. It’s as easy as sending an email. Just email It can be photos, a story, a review, short/long, whimsical, opinionated, pithy, thought-provoking, news-worthy, ridiculous or sublime.

Western Canada: Stories and photos from Vancouver, BC

News and Editorial

Loni’s California Kitchen

All Things Wine

Loreto, Baja California Sur

The Green Queen

Clinton Stark
Clinton shoots videos for Stark Insider. San Francisco Bay Area arts, Ingmar Bergman and French New Wave, and chasing the perfect home espresso shot 25 seconds at a time (and failing). Peloton: ClintTheMint. Camera: Video Gear