We had the most crazy and chaotic “interview” this week with The Second City cast. Who would expect anything less? You have 6 talented improv comedians and actors. Wine, champagne and beer. After the show, blowing off steam at the SJ Rep. It was definitely different than filming in the vineyards. But amazingly fun, if not challenging for poor Loni’s interviewing skills.

We shot over an hour of video to produce 10 minutes. Maybe some time in the future some of the off-the-wall, insider stuff will hit this site…! Meantime, why does Cody think Loni is the next Kim Burns? (and, who is Kim Burns?).

This upcoming week should be called the official week of wine. We have no less than three events to cover.

The biggest is the Wine Bloggers’ Conference 2009 in Sonoma which kicks off Friday. Web 2.0 types from all over the US will fly in for the three day conference with plenty of tastings, blogging, and tweets—for better or worse. I’m not quite sure what to think. In some ways this could be another micr0-bubble. How many wine blogs does the world need? On the other hand, it’s interesting to hear from so many different voices and see social media co-opt the wine industry with open arms.

The heat wave continues here in the SF Bay Area.

Fortunately the nights cool down. The foothills are yellow. Small pockets of green pop-up wherever there is irrigation.

Loni thinks we should shoot some kind of show out in the back… maybe revive the idea of The Stark Naked Report with video (and no nudity!). Or talk wine, gadgets, news. Not sure. Seems like everyone is doing it these days. Do we really need more? Or maybe we could talk about SF Bay Area Theater and Arts… there is a diverse array of under-reported artists and shows, even here in good old San Jose.

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Email your post to blog@starkinsider.com.

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Clinton Stark
Clinton shoots videos for Stark Insider. San Francisco Bay Area arts, Ingmar Bergman and French New Wave, and chasing the perfect home espresso shot 25 seconds at a time (and failing). Peloton: ClintTheMint. Camera: Video Gear