Guest post by Jane Lurie.
Yesterday a friend of mine gave me his copy of the July 12 New York Times Magazine. I have shared many tales of our whale watching experiences in Magadalena Bay with him. This Magazine has an article called Watching Whales Watching Us and it is just an amazing and wonderful read.
It is a very long article. I assumed it would take me several sittings to read it But I just couldn’t stop once I started. It gives a history of human/whale interaction, the good, bad and ugly.
Then it tells about the past few decades when mother and baby gray whales have been greeting humans in boats with the most amazing trust and friendliness.This happens in the lagoons that provide the safe, predator-free place for the mothers to have their calves and spend the first few months of their lives preparing them for the ocean voyage north.
The article is a wonderful combination of science, history and a thrilling account of the authors up close experiences with our favorite whales. He went to San Ignacio Bay, which is north of Loreto, and a popular whale watching site. As a side note, Sharon and I drove through that town on our way down to Loreto. We definitely want to return. It looks charming, with a beautiful mission and a lovely town square.
I have had some of the most profound moments in my life, while whale-watching on Magdalena Bay. The connection that I experienced with the mother and baby whales who came up to our panga boat is something that I hold dear to my heart. I can’t imagine spending my late February/early March anywhere but Loreto, so I can visit with my whale friends again each year.
Here is a link to the New York Times article:

And here is a link to the video of my most recent trip. We went with our dear friends Nancy and Del and their daughter Terri and her son Cody. It was Terri and Cody’s first visit with the whales…hard to tell who was more excited: