Clinton Stark

Clinton Stark
Clinton shoots videos for Stark Insider. San Francisco Bay Area arts, Ingmar Bergman and French New Wave, and chasing the perfect home espresso shot 25 seconds at a time (and failing). Peloton: ClintTheMint. Camera: Video Gear

Club Artesa Winery Pick-up Party and Events

Artesa Winery of Napa, California has released their schedule of pick-up parties and events for the next few months. If you've never been to a...

StarkSilverCreek Week in Review: November 9 – 16, 2008

Bond is back, check out our review of Solace. Loreto updates and reviews continue to come in. Why not take StarkSilverCreek with you... download the...

‘Quantum of Solace’ (2008) Review: James Bond’s Return to Form Short-Lived

Quantum of Solace (2008)104 min.StarkSilverCreek Rating:5 out of 10imdb User Rating: 7.2 It seemed doomed from the outset: a big budget and a bad title....

2005 Bogle Petite Sirah – A Good Friend You Can Count On

This one's a keeper. When perusing the shelves at the local wine shops, I'm looking for a mix: daily, weekly and monthly wines. It's easy to find the great, special wine that carries a $50+ price tag to match.  But finding that reliable wine that has plenty of character...

‘Loreto Live’ Podcast #4: La Mision Loreto Hotel and Development

La Mision on the Malecon in Loreto, BCS has garnered a fair amount of interest over the past months. Undoubtedly, it will transform the Malecon, with Spanish style rooms adorned with arched balconies overlooking a courtyard pool, juxtaposed against the stunning Sea of Cortes. Loni had a chance to...

Wine Spectator Announces The Top 100 Wines of 2008

Wine Spectator is my favorite wine magazine, always enjoyable to read. They just finished announcing the top 10 wines for 2008. On Monday they will be releasing the rest of their top 100 wine choices. I find their tasting notes and scores to be spot on. At the back of each...

Black Friday Shopping Tip: Use the Web to Find the Best Deals

Thanksgiving is nearing, and that means retailers are ramping for Black Friday, one of the biggest shopping days of the year. With the economy in shambles, it's not a good time to be in the retail industry – or just about any other business for that matter. If you're looking...

An Everyday Guide to Enjoying High Quality, Internet Radio Part 3 – The Best Internet Music Stations and Services 2008

We've almost finished our Internet radio adventure. I hope you're enjoying it so far. To recap, in part 1 I introduced the basics, things you need to know to get started enjoying streaming, high quality music wherever you are. Last week, I rolled up my sleeves and tested 3 top...

Internet Users by Age: The Results May Surprise You

Quick, do you know the #1 age group of Internet users?You may be surprised to learn that's it not youngsters or teens. In fact, according...

Interview with Jesus Gonzalez of Loreto Bay

Jesus is a Village Home Account Coordinator at Loreto Bay in Loreto, BCS. He has accompanied us every time we have been in Loreto to our home and ensures construction issues are addressed by the necessary people at Loreto Bay.