Monica Turner

Monica Turner
Contributor to Stark Insider for tech, the arts and All Things West Coast for over 10 years.

Boat trip on the El Don

  (This is a guest post emailed to To read how you can too, check out the StarkSilverCreek contest guidelines here.) I thought your readers might enjoy a few images of the boat ride aboard the "El Don", a 65 ft Hatteras cruiser chartered by the JW Marriott Residences Loreto team on...

Whale of an appetite! In our own back yard.

(This is a guest post To read how you can too, check out the StarkSilverCreek contest guidelines here.) Ever watch a whale feed? We had quite the treat watching a Fin whale feed this week, just about two miles out in front of the Loreto Bay development two days ago. The sea was...

‘Planet of the Apes’ classic movie moment: It’s a madhouse… a madhouse!

Human see, human do. Oh what a bummer when apes take away your former Playboy centerfold girlfriend 'Nova' and then proceed to relentlessly hose you down. To boot you just crashed your spaceship, lost your voice after being shot and discovered an odd upside-down planet where said Apes rule all. A madhouse....

Loreto Bay Baja: The new pool in Founders

(This is a guest blog submitted by emailing You can too!) We’re down in Loreto Bay and watching how the new pool is progressing. I’d like to show some of the steps in how they do the beautiful stonework that they’re doing around the pool for those of you...

‘When Harry Met Sally’, A favorite movie moment that makes every man cringe

I can't say a whole lot about this one. It has one of the best punch lines, "I'll have what she's having", in movie history. It's also enjoyable to watch Meg Ryan and Billy Crystal in their prime. Some great chemistry (I think)! WATCH: When Harry Met Sally... I'll Have What...

Another classic movie moment: Michael J. Fox an all American (well, Canadian) kid

Michael J. Fox rose to fame in the 80s playing Alex P. Keaton on the much loved series Family Ties. He parlayed his TV success into a string of family friendly big screen appearances. Nothing topped 'Back to the Future' though. It's a fine specimen of 1980's pop culture. It had...

Loreto Bay

This is Bob and Suzie and we’re down in Loreto Bay for a 3 week visit! Construction seems to have slowed down considerably on our home in AV 186 and Loreto Bay in general since our October visit. The organic garden at the Inn seems to have been abandoned;...

‘The Happening’: Being chased by wind and talking to plants marks another low for M. Night

By the time the protagonists are running from the wind during the climax of  M. Night's 'The Happening' , like some kind of Frankenstein version of The Sound of Music and Twister, there is little left to do but laugh, or cry. Or perhaps sit there numbly staring aghast at this disaster...

My favorite movie moments: ‘Breakfast at Tiffany’s’

There are some movies you can just watch over and over, and still get the same goose bumps and chills. Breakfast at Tiffany's is definitely one of them. It has classic written all over it. No doubt, the centerpiece is Audrey Hepburn portraying a character, Holly Golightly, she was born...

My favorite movie moments: ‘The Man Who Knew Too Much’

Why not share a favorite movie moment? Maybe you'll agree, or have your own memorable ones. Hitchcock is one of my all-time favorites. Everything about his movies seems just right: the pacing, the characters, the plot and the directing. These are movies I can enjoy over and over again. Whenever the...