Clinton Stark

Clinton Stark
Clinton shoots videos for Stark Insider. San Francisco Bay Area arts, Ingmar Bergman and French New Wave, and chasing the perfect home espresso shot 25 seconds at a time (and failing). Peloton: ClintTheMint. Camera: Video Gear

Trend Watch ’08: Will Studios Get “Jobsed” in Their Quest for Downloadable Profits?

It's that time of year already. To reminisce about the year that was 2007, and look ahead to that new year just weeks around the corner. For me, it also means thinking about innovation & technology -- a few of my favorite topics. One trend in particular I've been following...

In Loreto Bay: New Pharmacy Marks First Retail Store Opening

The trick for the Villages of Loreto Bay development is to balance new home construction while also building out amenities. It's the yin and yang that will ultimately shape the character of this nascent community. Thankfully this was reinforced by Michael Coyle from Replay as the top 2 priorities...

In Loreto Bay: 2008 A Year of Change and Optimism

Since we landed at little Loreto airport, despite the cloudy skies and Loni's "red light" check at customs, I sensed optimism about the changes afoot here within the Loreto Bay development. Talking to homeowners, LBC staff, locals, business owners, and others throughout downtown Loreto and at the development itself...

Thanksgiving Video: Sous Chef Loni Talks Turkey

Action video of Loni helping out with Thanksgiving dinner. One of these days I'll submit a video to HGTV so Loni can be the next Design Star or have her own DIY or cooking show. Stay tuned for Loreto Bay updates coming soon: photos, videos and the inside scoop on...

Stark Wine Cellar: Construction Under Way!

Converting an unused closet into a wine cellar and pantry with cooling.

New Loreto Bay Logo – Miami Vice Meets Baja

Being a marketing vp here in the valley means I get to lead all kinds of marketing organizations and products. But it seems that nothing draws on heart strings more than a logo. Or as the NY and SF crowd call it... branding. So it was a small surprise...

Loreto Bay One Stop Shop: Web Sites, Blogs and Information

It's hard for us not to be excited about what is happening in Loreto these days. It seems whenever I decide to write a blog entry - which occurs less these days because of a hectic work schedule - Loreto is increasingly a favorite topic. Time flys and 18...

Clint’s Top 10 Business Book All-Stars

Over the past 20 years I've read hundreds of business books. Some for fun, others for their application to my career, and earlier ones related to courses and MBA classes. It is a tough challenge to come up with a proverbial "Top 10" list. In fact, it would be...
DIY Home Theater Tips - Big screen and projector

Home Theater: The Big Picture Without the Big Price

For those of you following in my footsteps, in search of Maslow's ultimate peak, I offer these thoughts on the latest in home theater ups and downs.