
The trick for the Villages of Loreto Bay development is to balance new home construction while also building out amenities. It’s the yin and yang that will ultimately shape the character of this nascent community. Thankfully this was reinforced by Michael Coyle from Replay as the top 2 priorities during his Friday night presentation.

So for the first time since we’ve been visiting, we were able to step into the inaugural Loreto Bay Pharmacy — the first retail shop to grace Blvd Misión de Loreto (not including the LBC and related vendor offices). No doubt over the coming years we will see more commercial and retail development. Many current homeowner’s living in their new village homes I’m sure would love to stroll down the street for a morning cappuccino, or pick up some fresh fruit on the way home from an adventurous day on the waters of the Sea of Cortés.

These shops along with the upcoming Beach Club will provide a lot of the vibrancy required for a fully functioning resort destination. Time will tell how effectively it will all come together, but for now we have our new pharmacy.

I do like the natural and organic selections as well as the local content from the town of Loreto and the area. Also, the products are fair-trade. This is not a Long’s Drugs or Walgreens! They do have ample supply of traditional pharmacy items including OTC medications. But how many pharmacies can say they have a “mission statement”?

Prices seemed reasonable. You can pay using Pesos, US $ or even charge back to your room at the Inn at Loreto Bay. Service, as is custom in Loreto Bay, was personable, friendly and helpful.

Sample Pharmacy Prices:

  • Monkey King Jasmine Green Tea, $107.50 pesos
  • Baby diapers, $290.00
  • Shampoo & Body Wash, $115.00
  • Dish Washer, 45oz, $95.00
  • Laundy Detergenct, 48oz, $124.50

Wouldn’t you know it, the very next morning Loni’s fever worsened. She had been fighting it over a week during travel to Portugual and Boston, but now it was getting the best of her. So I purchased a thermometer and some Robitussin. After a few hours of sleep Loni was in better spirits and able to once again roam the villages. We promptly headed again to tour our Aqua Viva Lot #25 (more on this in an upcoming post).

I’ll let Loni take over from here… as she tours the new Loreto Bay Pharmacy in the video below.




Clinton Stark
Clinton shoots videos for Stark Insider. San Francisco Bay Area arts, Ingmar Bergman and French New Wave, and chasing the perfect home espresso shot 25 seconds at a time (and failing). Peloton: ClintTheMint. Camera: Video Gear