House Hunters International film crew interview potential home buyer at the Loreto Bay resort in Loreto, Baja California Sur, Mexico. (Photo: Sue's Life in Balance).

House Hunters International is once again on location in Loreto Bay in Baja California Sur, apparently shooting for another episode based in the resort town on the Sea of Cortez. According to this blog, a small film crew of three was spotted just weeks ago interviewing a husband and wife who are re-locating to the area for new jobs. The episode should airs some time next year.

HGTV was last here about four years ago, when they shot “Baja Bound,” featuring the Brown family from Carlsbad who were looking for a home by the bay.

Behind the Scenes – House Hunters International in Loreto, Baja, Mexico

For Loreto, the exposure on the show is helpful for generating interest in the area, and driving tourism.

Recently, the House Hunter International series was renewed for 91 episodes, bringing the total to almost 600 episodes since 2009.

As many who have followed Stark Insider over the years already know, we took the plunge, and started our Baja adventure here in the little fishing town of Loreto in 2006. Back then it was all a dream. The builder envisioned an eco-friendly development that would emerge from miles of desert. 5,000 homes! But, that was then. One bankruptcy later, and Loreto Bay has now come to life, albeit as a (thankfully) more humble resort. Walkable paths, low-rise construction, and a seaside location are hallmarks of the 2012 version of Loreto Bay.

Video: Touring a Loreto Bay Home

Interestingly, every time HGTV airs a repeat of the “Baja Bound” episode we see a spike in traffic on both Stark Insider (primarily for this post here), and also on YouTube where we recorded so many irreverent on-location Loreto videos over the years including this tour of our then-new little casa.

Stark Insider - Arts, Film, Tech, WanderlustMore news from Loreto, Baja California Sur, Mexico

Earlier this year volunteers, locals businesses, and home owners organized an inaugural food and wine festival. Called (fitting enough) the Loreto Food and Wine Festival, it drew hundreds to the main paseo in an incredible celebration that featured local wines, foods, and music. Proceeds from the event benefited the local hospital which hopes to purchase an EKG. You can see highlights from that special day in this video below which should give you a good idea of the community spirit should you ever decide to visit, or plan a vacation here.

Video: Loreto Food and Wine Festival

Clinton Stark
Clinton shoots videos for Stark Insider. San Francisco Bay Area arts, Ingmar Bergman and French New Wave, and chasing the perfect home espresso shot 25 seconds at a time (and failing). Peloton: ClintTheMint. Camera: Video Gear