You love your garden. And it seems you also like the fresh vegetables it produces. Over the past months one of the most popular posts and videos on Stark Insider has been Loni’s planter box series. The number of downloads and views is skyrocketing. It must be the allure of fresh fruits and vegetables. The satisfaction of the DIY spirit. Or maybe it’s the colors?
I have to admit, even I’m now a convert.
After enjoying fresh tomato and feta cheese the past few nights, you could even say I’m an urban gardening evangelist. Well, the heavy lifting part at least. You see, Loni brings the vision, the creative force. And in this case, I bring the muscle, the sawing, bending, lifting and occasional blood. But, it would seem a partnership well worth the effort.
Amazingly, readers have been writing in from all over the world to say how much they enjoy the planter box plans. It’s thrilling to see the photos and hear your stories!
I wanted to summarize everything we’ve published so far about vegetable planter boxes. From building one; to tips on maintenance, micro irrigation and pruning. Here is everything we know so far. We’re pleased with the results (but know you have ideas on how to make it even better).
So, find yourself a sunny place around your home, and start planning your own vegetable garden. I never thought I’d write those words.
Happy gardening! And please send us your photos, stories and recipes too.
Vegetable Garden Planter Box: The Basics
Venturing into Vegetable Gardening (DIY guide with photos)
- Loni Stark’s ‘Venturing into Vegetable Gardening’ Planter Box Plans (fill out form and download plans)
Getting Started With Your New Planter Box
- Vegetable gardening with Loni episode #1: Organic Fertilizers
- Vegetable gardening with Loni episode #2: Micro irrigation
- Vegetable gardening with Loni episode #3: Maintenance Tips
- “Live simply” tomato and feta salad
- Have your own recipe? Go ahead and send it in to Loni and you could be featured on Stark Insider! Send Loni your recipe to loni@starkinsider.com
Photos From Stark Insider Readers Around the World That Have Downloaded and Used Loni’s Plans!
- Vegetable planter box update from David B. in Australia
- Paul B’s vegetable planter box for refreshing cucumber salads
Monica’s ‘Sail away with me’ Vegetable Planter Box