Sony and Microsoft Up Ante in Showdown for Your Family Room
I suspected video download services would continue to be a big theme in 2008, but I'm not convinced we're close to mainstream adoption just yet (bandwidth is still too slow in this part of the world). However, I do think today's announcements by Sony and Microsoft will heat up...
Gadget Review: Motorola H700 Bluetooth Handsfree Headset
With the new hands free cell phone law now in effect in California, we decided to buy a bluetooth handsfree headset. There is a lot of choice and it can be confusing. About 4 years ago, I bought a Jabra model and found it too clumsy to use and...
Green and Gadgets, The Best of Both Worlds
I'll be the first to admit I was skeptical last year when Loni started racing towards a green utopia; researching solar, hybrids, vegetable farming. Initially...
Blu-ray Wins: That was Fast! But Will it Matter?
It's official. Toshiba finally threw in the towel after a non-stop barrage of negative news in 2008 finally forcing HD-DVD to join the ranks of...
Trend Watch ’08: Will Studios Get “Jobsed” in Their Quest for Downloadable Profits?
It's that time of year already. To reminisce about the year that was 2007, and look ahead to that new year just weeks around the corner. For me, it also means thinking about innovation & technology -- a few of my favorite topics.
One trend in particular I've been following...
Interesting Times for High-Tech Acquisitions
It has been a hectic week in my neck of the woods and since Clint wrote the last blog entry, he likes to remind me on a daily basis that I am long overdue for an entry.
As busy as my work has been these days, life must be a...
In Review: V-Moda Earphones Give Bose Some Heavy Competition
I'm in DC this week in meetings with my government team. I was able to catch a direct flight on United from SJC to IAD which is always nice. Last time, I had a stop over in Dallas and was caught in a thunderstorm fiasco.
Because of the long continuous...