For whatever the reason, this week I’m in a-picture-is-worth-a-thousand-words frame of mind. And so it goes: the new iPad. Are you wondering if it’s worth upgrading your OG iPad or iPad 2, take a look here, courtesy The Verge:

Based on that image alone I’d say Hell, Yes!
“Glowing paper”
Your eyes will thank you, again and again.
This coming from a guy who read the entire Steve Jobs bio on a Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 (quite the decent bit of Android kit). But I have a feeling when we all get a look at the new iPad with its Retina display (2048 x 1536) – courtesy of Samsung, no less – there’ll be no turning back.
Yes, the new iPad is portly. That’s too bad, especially considering the Tab 10.1 is so svelte. Whatever happened, I wonder, to Moore’s law? Could it be we are sacrificing speeds and feeds for pixels and images? If so, based on these early reviews, I’m not complaining; anything to relieve eye fatigue is a-ok in my books.
For this road warrior, tablets are my weapon of choice. I sit, hour after hour, on American, United and Alaska, staring down at these pixels in the dark. Sometimes they form ebooks. Occasionally movies. And – the jokes on me – even Angry Birds for a frustrating minute or two. But always, always, they have the attention of my eyeballs for hours upon hours. Anything that makes it easier, less fatiguing is a huge plus. $500, well spent.
So, then, I say: Upgrade or die.