Part 1 – ‘Getting to Know the Actors’

We were able to spend some time with three of the principal actors from the cast of the white hot San Jose Repertory play ‘The Kite Runner’ (read review) and captured an inside perspective on the production in this first of a three part series. Based on the novel by Bay Area native Khaled Hosseini, the story is a heart wrenching journey of discovery, love and redemption spanning several continents.

Loni is joined by Barzin Akhavan (Amir), Craig Piaget (Young Amir) and Lowell Abellon (Hassan) for a revealing discussion about the actors’ backgrounds, their perspectives on The Kite Runner story and what it took to bring the emotion to life in front of sold out crowds.

The actors were extremely generous with their time and, despite having to perform later in the day, spent well over an hour with us; as a result we captured great footage and hope you enjoy it. This first part is about getting to the know the actors; their personal stories, why they chose to act. Part 2 dives deeper into the play itself exploring the themes of redemption, love and discovery. In addition learn how Matthew Spangler’s adaptation treated some of the difficult subject matter including the rape scene.

In Part 3 we have a fun “stage combat demo” with Barzin and Craig demonstrating some of the tricks of the trade. Even Loni throws a punch!

Thank you to Barzin, Craig and Lowell; and to Michelle Hou for providing StarkSilverCreek this opportunity.

StarkSilverCreek Presents: ‘The Kite Runner’ Cast Interview
Part 1 – ‘Getting to know the actors’
Part 2 – ‘Instinct, love, acting’
Part 3 – ‘Kites, Afghan culture, audience reaction’
Bonus – ‘Stage combat demo’

Clinton Stark
Clinton shoots videos for Stark Insider. San Francisco Bay Area arts, Ingmar Bergman and French New Wave, and chasing the perfect home espresso shot 25 seconds at a time (and failing). Peloton: ClintTheMint. Camera: Video Gear