Amy Adams on sci-fi vs. motherhood at perfect ‘ARRIVAL’ in Mill Valley

Stark Insider is a media sponsor of Mill Valley Film Festival (MVFF) 39. Don’t miss a thing. Get your iPad, iPhone, Roku, Apple TV, Chromecast, VR headset, Android, self-driving car, or plain old web browser ready, and be sure to subscribe to the Stark Insider YouTube Channel for updates, news, and reviews. Plus interviews with Loni Stark.

Amy Adams is having the year of a lifetime.

The Academy Award nominated actress (American Hustle) has not one, but two films garnering buzz in 2016: Tom Ford’s Nocturnal Animals and Denis Villeneuve’s Arrival. 

But which is harder. Motherhood or Sci-Fi? And, more importantly, how important is the power of language, and the need to communicate effectively as a human race?

Find out as Loni Stark catches up with Amy Adams at the opening night of the Mill Valley Film Festival (video above).

Amy Adams ARRIVAL - Interview Mill Valley Film Festival
Amy Adams talks with Loni Stark of Stark Insider about ARRIVAL, motherhood vs. sci-fi, and the importance of language and communication.
Amy Adams in ARRIVAL - Mill Valley Film Festival interview
Amy Adams in Denis Villeneuve’s ARRIVAL. (Photo: Mill Valley Film Festival / Paramount Pictures)

“Everything I know about physics and all of that I learned on the ‘Big Bang Theory'”, she joked describing her role as Dr. Louise Banks in Arrival . “It was really the story of the mother that actually drew me into it.”

Mill Valley Film Festival - News, Reviews, Interviews, VideosStark Insider On Location:

Mill Valley Film Festival
with Loni Stark

Watch as Amy Adams talks about the value and power of communication, motherhood, and the emotional element of Arrival. Plus: Amy does her hysterical impression of director Denis Villeneuve!

Stark Insider is on location for Mill Valley Film Festival (MVFF). More coming soon, including: Nicole Kidman, James Franco, Ewan McGregor. And… the unexpected.

Mill Valley Film Festival: Amy Adams ARRIVAL with Loni Stark

With Loni Stark in San Francisco.

Monica Turner
Contributor to Stark Insider for tech, the arts and All Things West Coast for over 10 years.