I've seen worse. View from Coronado Island. You can charter inexpensive pangas to take you out to the Sea of Cortez.
I've seen worse. View from Coronado Island. You can charter inexpensive pangas to take you out to the Sea of Cortez.
I’ve seen worse. View from Coronado Island. You can charter inexpensive pangas to take you out to the Sea of Cortez.

Although Cabo San Lucas may be the best known Baja California Sur destination, just miles away lie more affordable beaches without the crowd.”

I couldn’t agree more. FlipKey this month revealed their top affordable beaches and destinations, and I was pleased to see Loreto, Baja California Sur–one of my favorite spots in the entire world–included on the list.

I’ve been traveling their since 2006, when an ambitious development Loreto Bay was nothing more than a grand vision, and a series of artsy watercolor marketing brochures. One developer bankruptcy later (2008) the place is emerged perhaps even stronger and is now thriving. The small fishing village of Loreto itself, twenty minutes north of Loreto Bay, has also grown up. Thankfully you still won’t find many franchises. Instead you’ll find (yes, I have to use that word) authentic, old world Mexico – including loads of charm. Last year Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim bought the property which is widely seen as good news.


When I mention the town of Loreto or the resort of Loreto Bay to friends and various people  I meet while traveling I’m surprised that very few still know of it – though, it probably didn’t hurt that House Hunters International filmed an episode in Loreto Bay. That might not be a bad thing. I hope we would never see Cabo-sized crowds in Loreto. There’s something nice about the sleepiness. Many in California, especially those from L.A. and the San Francisco Bay Area do know of the area. Many of us have become friends. It’s not uncommon for groups to caravan together, down highway 1, across the stunning landscape of Baja California Sur, during the two (or three) day trek to Loreto.

Loreto Bay casa
Loreto Bay. This is what a two-bedroom casa looks like.

There’s plenty to do of course in Loreto – hiking, snorkeling, diving, whale watching, kayaking (go early when the Sea of Cortez is like glass) visiting the historic missions. But sometimes the best thing to do is: nothing. Simply downshift a bit, enjoy a respite from work.

But what I really love to do in Loreto is to shoot videos; I love the scenery. Here’s one I shot on a whim with my wife. A Loreto Bay neighbor of ours happened to have a purple scarf, and… and, well, we just came up with something quite random at the Mision Loreto:

SCENE IN LORETO: Misión de Nuestra Señora de Loreto Conchó

“Morado” – Loreto, Baja California Sur from Stark Insider on Vimeo.

One thing to watch for, typically after the annual rain season (which lasts a few weeks) which can be at times torrential (and hurricanes are not uncommon), are mosquitoes. Usually they’re not an issue. But with standing water that can change. Bring deet or strong repellent or you might find it unbearable.

While I’m playing around with my Canon gear, and cutting in Premiere Pro, Loni does this:

For some reason when we spend time in Loreto, we find ourselves doing creative things – or at least trying to do creative things.

We’ve written on Stark Insider about vacationing in Loreto, buying a home in the Loreto Bay resort, and touring the town, and also the spectacular islands. Here’s the link for more articles, photos, videos about Loreto and Loreto Bay.

Maybe someday Loni and I will see you down there. Until then it’s nice to see a mention of Loreto as a loved (and affordable) beach destination.

Loni and I outside our little "Casa De Lagarta Azul".
Loni and I outside our little “Casa De Lagarta Azul”.

Quick tip. Here’s where you’ll find the best tacos in Loreto:

Clinton Stark
Clinton shoots videos for Stark Insider. San Francisco Bay Area arts, Ingmar Bergman and French New Wave, and chasing the perfect home espresso shot 25 seconds at a time (and failing). Peloton: ClintTheMint. Camera: Video Gear