Is this the Canon EOS 5D Mark III?

The Verge posted a brief story about spotting Canon’s nextgen pro DSLR in the wild – literally. Photographer Stephen Oachs spotted a Canon employee using the unidentified camera being used on a safari in Kenya and he snapped this shot – TMZ style. Some tape suspiciously conceals the model and logo. Curious minds go into overdrive! Let the rampant speculation begin!

Being a DSLR nut, I’m looking for every morsel of information (rumor or otherwise) on the 5D III. I’m thinking I’m not alone in that regard. The Mk II has been a smash for Canon, and is a wildly popular choice for pros of all shapes and sizes, especially those interested in video – it’s been famously used for many films including 127 Hours as director Danny Boyle told Stark Insider in this interview. TV shows such as House have been shot entirely with a 5D.

So what tidbits are revealed?

Here’s what we sort of know per The Verge – and remember, of course, this might be just some old mule out for field testing:

  • larger LCD than the 7D or the 5D Mark II, with aspect ratio more like 16:9
  • there’s a new joystick on the removable battery grip
  • a new “Rate” button on the left side
  • no pop-up flash (likely not a 7D successor)
  • no articulating display (likely not a 60D successor)

From what I’ve read we should be seeing the new EOS 5D in a matter of months. The big question is price. Nikon recently released their new flagship, the D4. Priced at $6K it competes with the Canon 1D. For the Mk III I’m guessing around $2,700. Pure speculation.

Currently I’m still armed with a Canon EOS 60D and trusty Rebel T2i. I take the T2i with me when (a) the environment is rugged and I don’t want to chance getting the 60D sensor contaminated (such as when I travel to Baja California Sur – latest shots here); or (b) to use a second camera in some of our SI interview shoots. Otherwise I’m loving the 60D as my primary rig. Recently I took it up to Detroit for the auto show, and it didn’t disappoint. I’d consider a 5D Mk III for the next step in performance, in particular its low light performance.

Clinton Stark
Clinton shoots videos for Stark Insider. San Francisco Bay Area arts, Ingmar Bergman and French New Wave, and chasing the perfect home espresso shot 25 seconds at a time (and failing). Peloton: ClintTheMint. Camera: Video Gear