Palo Alto Children's TheatreHere’s a great cause.

On October 15 The Friends of Palo Alto Children’s Theatre will be holding a — boo! very scary stuff… I must say — costumes and accessories sale.

Just in time for Halloween, no less. Save yourself a trip to Costco (well, okay, you should still go to pick up a few bottles of some Napa Cabs).

The items at the event are from past productions including animals, fantasy characters and vintage clothing in a variety of sizes.

Cy Ashley Webb has contributed greatly to Bay Area theater. Not only is she actively involved in children’s theater in Palo Alto, but she’s also somehow managed to find a way to write 134 articles, and reviews here on Stark Insider since March of 2010 — all that while managing to find time to finish a PhD at Stanford.

So I ask: if you love theater, if you love Halloween, if you love community spirit… then drop by the Lucie Stern Theater on Oct. 15 (from 8am – 2pm) and grab some fun goodies for the kids.

It’s a win-win here for all involved.

Don’t make me get all Mike Myers (or Freddy Krueger for those with a thing for red-and-green striped shirts) on you or something.

And because you’ve read this far… here’s something special.

Speaking of T-H-E-A-T-R-E (that’s “-RE,” yeah, not “-ER” you rookie!), from the Great White North archives. I give you: SCTV’s Monster Chiller Horror Theatre, in 3-D no less:

Arts and Culture - San Francisco Bay AreaThe Friends of the Palo Alto Children’s Theatre – Costumes and Accessories Sale

in cooperation with the Palo Alto Children’s Theatre

Saturday, October 15
8:00am – 2:00pm
Lucie Stern Theatre, Palo Alto, California
For information: 650.714.8937

Clinton Stark
Clinton shoots videos for Stark Insider. San Francisco Bay Area arts, Ingmar Bergman and French New Wave, and chasing the perfect home espresso shot 25 seconds at a time (and failing). Peloton: ClintTheMint. Camera: Video Gear