Sure Wired may have more than just a small vested interested in the iPad’s success given its well-publicized and hyped investment in an App-based version of the magazine. However, given their stature in the world of tech — most notably as a haven for big thinkers and clever writing — Wired has massive influence and respect. So naming the Apple iPad 3G “mobile product of the year” tends to yield instant respect.
Not that the iPad really needed yet another vote of confidence.
Sales have been through the roof. Early forecasts for 25M units in 2011 has given way to some who even predict upwards of 48M (Wedge Partners). Yes, seems like the iPad is somewhat agreeable.
Mathew Honan writes, “The laptop is at its end. You may have already purchased your last one. We’ve touched the future, and it feels a lot like the iPad.” I agree partially. I don’t think the laptop is dead. I do think the way we think of a laptop — a mobile screen and keyboard — is evolving. Earlier this week, I dreamed big and wrote about an ideal gadget that I believe Apple could readily manufacture: the iPad Air. The combination MacBook Air and iPad would blur the lines between a gesture-based tablet and a laptop.
“If you don’t have one yet, you will soon enough.”
With the competition heating up in time for the holidays, expect more entrants such as the Samsung Galaxy Tab to fuel price wars. No doubt there will be future versions of the iPad priced at under $200. Tablets will replace textbooks, magazines, newspapers. Wait until flexible displays are ready for prime time… then we’ll be able to roll-up our tablets, umbrella in hand as we jump across puddles in San Francisco.
While iPad can enjoy its glory as mobile product of the year for the moment, expect Google, Microsoft, HP, and scores of others to get a word or two in edge wise.