Liberty School Cabernet

Our first order of business upon landing in Ottawa for our Christmas visit was a stop at The Keg restaurant, conveniently located en route between the airport and my parents place.

For about 7 hours after leaving our door in San Jose I savored letting down my healthy eating guard just long enough to indulge in all sorts of food and wine extravaganza. This trip did not disappoint, and it was wealth worth the extra girth, if even only slight (or so I hope).

I didn’t help reading an article all about steak in the American Airlines in-flight magazine. Glossy pictures of rib-eyes, filets, NY cuts, and all sorts of equally sinful sides taunted me at 30,000 feet. The best I could do? Grab another one of Loni’s low-fat cookies.

So it was the rib eye. Big. And all the helpings, and delicious appetizers as Loni wrote about in her review of The Keg.

  • 2006 Liberty School Cabernet Sauvignon
  • Rating
  • 87
  • Clint says:
  • “An easy drinking Cab, not in the big classic way, but quite enjoyable.”
  • The Wine
  • Cabernet Sauvignon
    13.5% alc.
  • The Winery
  • Liberty School Winery, Paso Robles, California (San Luis Obispo County)
  • Category
  • Wine reviews

Being with family felt great, and we enjoyed wonderful conversation.

We decided on a wine my parents always enjoy to accompany our meal, a 2006 Liberty School Cabernet Sauvignon. From Paso Robles, a popular wine destination producing some high quality wines, it sounded like a perfect choice.

Sure enough, it was a solid choice, contributing nicely to the enjoyment of the meal and evening.

All of us tasted, with some of us indulging slightly more of course to enjoy the wonderful flavors paired with a medium rare, marbled steak.

Some of the highlights from the tasting notes: cherry on the nose, nice amount of fruit, dry, and smooth.

I checked on the pedigree and information on the Liberty School web site, and noticed the wine only ages for 12 months, on the lower end of the range. This would possibly explain the smoothness, and absence of “big Cab” boldness. And that was just fine with all of us.

Fortunately, we were able to enjoy another bottle later in our visit at my parents place. Again, it was enjoyable, and easy drinking. I recommend this wine, and think at $15 it represents strong value.

Clinton Stark
Clinton shoots videos for Stark Insider. San Francisco Bay Area arts, Ingmar Bergman and French New Wave, and chasing the perfect home espresso shot 25 seconds at a time (and failing). Peloton: ClintTheMint. Camera: Video Gear