Peloton Studios New York London re-open

Home fitness spin bike maker Peloton (NASDAQ: PTON) is set to re-open its in-person studios.

Per Connect the Watts, an email was sent to members with the news announcing the grand re-openings.

Both Peloton Studios New York and Peloton Studios London will officially open August 19, 2022. This follows a “soft launch” that took place earlier this summer — presumably one that went well, and you can also see on-demand Peloton spin classes with studio riders in the background just as it was pre-pandemic.

 “It’s go time, Peloton fam. Live in-studio classes are back and better than ever. We’ve missed your energy, and we’re ready for more of that IRL magic live from London and New York. Classes begin August 19. Booking starts now at the link in our bio.”

Source: Peloton Instagram / Connect the Watts

If you do decide to take a class be sure to book in advance and bring some shoes. If you’re not a regular rider you can also rent shoes with cleats.

Stark Insider Take

Well, this will be interesting. For a few reasons.

First, given the bumpy ride that Peloton has experienced during the pandemic (talk about ups and downs… and downs!) many will be watching to see what kind of demand exists for in-person workouts. My guess is that it will be solid. People are exhausted from the pandemic and being cooped up indoors, mostly alone or with a small group of family for two years. Getting out, socializing, and feeling the thrill of breaking a sweat to some fun music will be something many will waste little time rushing out to experience once again.

Then there’s the at-home, sort of selfish perspective. That would be me.

I prefer working out from home. We cancelled our gym memberships back in March 2020 and it’s hard to fathom ever going back. We save massively (like just about everything here gyms are very expensive in Silicon Valley). We also save time from not needing to commute/change. And we get more workouts completed every week because the bike is always there — silently awaiting, beckoning us even for a quick mid-day spin.

To that end I hope Peloton continues solo instructor-led classes; perhaps in addition to the ones with studio members so there’s variety.

When COVID-19 hit, the studios were closed and instead instructors trained one-on-one. So it was just you and the instructor, with no studio audience spinning in the background. Over time I’ve become accustomed to that one-on-one dynamic. It really feels like a personal trainer. For the semi-social stuff the leaderboard is still there and, of course, the high-fives. And the music gives you all the inspiration and motivation you’d ever need — Peloton is excellent at curation and using music choruses to hit at the right time to bring the heat.

I recently tried an older Peloton cycling class that had studio members spinning along. I found it very good. But it was also distracting and I sort of felt the instructor wasn’t giving me his or her full attention. Selfish, I know. It’s funny how these virtual events have a way of doing these sorts of things to us.

Regardless, it’s great to see Peloton open its in-person studios. It’s a convenient way for the curious to stop in to see what Peloton is all about (at least if you’re in New York or London). Or to see what spinning in general is all about. For Peloton I’m sure it’s an effective grass roots way to generate buzz and word of mouth.

ALSO SEE: Peloton Bike now available via Amazon (a sweet deal too!)

Clinton Stark
Clinton shoots videos for Stark Insider. San Francisco Bay Area arts, Ingmar Bergman and French New Wave, and chasing the perfect home espresso shot 25 seconds at a time (and failing). Peloton: ClintTheMint. Camera: Video Gear