Help Bay Area Children’s Theatre recover from theft

We received an email yesterday that made my heart sink a little.

It was from Nina Meehan, executive director of Bay Area Children’s Theatre, asking for a donation. Nothing unusual about that. The arts, as we all know too well, are in a perpetual mode of fund-raising, and cost cutting. Yet, the show must go on.

This time, however, the request is as the result of a theft. Per Nina’s email:

Late last night all of our microphones and sound equipment were stolen. The equipment is worth over $17,000. This is a devastating loss for a non-profit arts organization.

Though we don’t cover children’s theatre here on Stark Insider, we are fervent believers in the arts. Over the years our lives has been so enriched by the amazing performers and crew who put on such magnificent live productions. This is indeed sad news for the community, for all of us.

Bay Area Children's Theatre
‘Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, TYA’ is now playing at the Bay Area Children’s Theatre.

BACT was founded in 2004, and now serves more than 56,000 people through its productions, school tours, and youth education programs.

If you can, please consider paying it forward, and donating to BACT to recover from this nonsensical loss.

As Alexander Pope says:

“Act well your part; there all the honour lies.”

Help out Bay Area Children’s Theatre: donate now.

Clinton Stark
Clinton shoots videos for Stark Insider. San Francisco Bay Area arts, Ingmar Bergman and French New Wave, and chasing the perfect home espresso shot 25 seconds at a time (and failing). Peloton: ClintTheMint. Camera: Video Gear