Loni Kao Stark - Adobe
Loni Stark #hearherroar

A quick note of congrats to my eternal creative partner Loni Stark who was named Top 40 Under 40. The list by DM news came out yesterday. Editor-in-Chief Ginger Conlon wrote:

“This group of young marketing luminaries has already left an indelible mark within their organizations and on the industry as a whole.”

Loni continues to travel the world, and speak at industry events, helping companies build their online brands through digital marketing.

I’d like to think that one of her biggest accomplishments is helping to build Stark Insider into what it is today.

Building a web site with virtually zero budget, and no funding is one of the most challenging things to do – ten years ago the space was less crowded and standing out was easier. Today, there’s a billion voices screaming for attention and pageviews. I remember one of the first projects she worked on after we decided the direction for this site was to get “All Things West Coast” trademarked. Anyone who’s worked that process before can attest to the kind of perseverance–and love for detail and paperwork–required.

She’s also the “on-air host” of Stark Insider TV, a brand we’ve also invested significant time and energy when we placed a strategic bet on video in 2009. This year the SI YouTube channel surpassed one million views. Not quite Miley Cyrus or Robin Thicke territory mind you, but for a regional web site possibly not too shabby.

Speaking with the media in Mexico City.
Loni Stark speaks with the press in Mexico City… with magical shoes.

When I first met Loni she slept in a cube at the office, dressed in all black, and owned two DVDs, Dangerous Beauty and When Harry Met Sally. Today she sleeps on planes and cars, wears red shoes, and owns a petite wine cellar that I’m not allowed to enter.

Well, then, enough blowing of horns.

Congrats Loni. You are the best (no bias). Thanks for everything. Here’s to hard work, family and friends, and attempting to make a difference.

Clinton Stark
Clinton shoots videos for Stark Insider. San Francisco Bay Area arts, Ingmar Bergman and French New Wave, and chasing the perfect home espresso shot 25 seconds at a time (and failing). Peloton: ClintTheMint. Camera: Video Gear