Once again you’ve come to the right place for the awkward, egregious, period hopping cultural mash-up. How on earth we were able to go on location at the San Jose Rep to talk about a Victorian production, and end up with Loni dancing in a Cher wig will be for historians to analyse.

In this episode of Stark Insider TV we sit down with director Michael Halberstam to chat about A Minister’s Wife, the appeal of period dramas and love stories fueled by shows such as Downton Abbey, and the meaning of perspective when it comes to the playwright.

About that romanticism when looking back at yesteryear?

“I wonder sometimes if we get overwrought with a sense of nostalgia for a time that actually never was,” says Halberstam, “Humankind has always been complicated. You can think about times gone by, and in the process of doing so you can erase all the complications of your own life.”

SJ Rep - A Minister's Wife Interview

Of course, we didn’t let Michael off scott free, and drill in deep (hardcore investigative style) to get the real scoop. Like, why is he searching the world over for the perfect macaroon – and what does that have to do with Thomas Keller?

Regarding the love triangle at the core of the musical Halberstam says “Hopefully your loyalties will swirl around in a beautiful chaos so you come to a glorious emotional purge in the finale.”

This segment marks the first time we’ve ventured inside the (expansive) costume shop at the Rep. Shannon Sigman gives us a special tour, and talks about some of the beautiful, multi-layered pieces from the show.

A world premiere, A Minister’s Wife (which is a re-telling of George Bernard Shaw’s Candida) opens tonight a the San Jose Repertory Theatre.

Regarding that Cher wig. I confess. I put Loni in one every now and then so that people don’t confuse Stark Insider with NPR and KQED.

Oh: beware the poet.

Let the show begin…

WATCH: What is it about Victorian-themed Love Stories?

Clinton Stark
Clinton shoots videos for Stark Insider. San Francisco Bay Area arts, Ingmar Bergman and French New Wave, and chasing the perfect home espresso shot 25 seconds at a time (and failing). Peloton: ClintTheMint. Camera: Video Gear