Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie enter wine business with Miraval
Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie will start shipping their first wine in March, using organic grapes from their 1,000 acre property in Correns, France.

Add Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie to the growing list of celebrities–Drew Barrymore, Fergi, Richard Gere, Francis Ford Coppola, Dave Matthews, Josh Groban–entering the wine business.

The power couple’s new rosé called ‘Miraval’ (formerly ‘Pink Floyd’) is made with the help of winemaker Marc Perrin and his family. Organic grapes will reportedly be sourced from the couple’s 1,000-acre estate in Correns, France.

We’re told the plan is to release white wines in the summer and reds in the “near future.”

Bradd Pitt said, “We are intimately involved and quite enthused over the wine project with our friends the Perrin family.”

“Brad and Angelina are very friendly, nice people and down to earth,” said Marc Perrin in this interview with Bloomberg. “They’re thinking long term.”

ALSO: California Wine News: Grape Crush 2012 Sets All-time Record

If drinking a wine made by the legendary Hollywood couple weren’t, the wine is expected to bear the names “Jolie-Pitt and Perrin” and ship in a unique bottle which they helped design:

Miraval Wine Bottle

The news comes as the domestic wine industry continues to grow. In addition, the 2012 harvest in California was recently cited as the best ever.

No word yet on price or availability Stateside. But expect it to fall somewhere between $2.99 and $20 million.

Monica Turner
Contributor to Stark Insider for tech, the arts and All Things West Coast for over 10 years.