RSA Animate - The Divided Brain

“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift… and the rational mind is a faithful servant.” — Albert Einstein

RSA Animate - The Divided Brain

I admit I’m a sucker for slick presentation- especially when it’s paired with strong educational value, like the RSA Animate videos.

Have you seen them?

You’ll recognize the unforgettable, mesmerizing style the second you see it: an animated whiteboard featuring an anonymous hand scribbling, diagramming and doodling along to a high quality presentation. It’s kind of like a UPS Commerical paired with Oxford for Dummies.

The latest in the series explores the brain, and attempts to debunk the left brain/right brain dichotomy we’ve all believed to be true. Apparently there’s much more going on here than originally suspected. I say apparently because I wouldn’t know if what Iain McGilchrist is saying here is true, or an at-the-edge, untested hypothesis.

I was actually reluctantly pulled into watching this vid by my doey-eyed little Loni, who insisted I put down that social network twanger (MacBook Pro) and learn something (yes, even after dinner it’s possible!). Just like a TED video, it took all of about 10 seconds before I was hooked, marveling at the clever presentation and engaging content being delivered with a steady, English accent.

If you’re intrigued by the brain (btw- it’s not evenly shaped like the skull that protects it… discover the twist as to why in the video below!) or want insight into human behaviour, culture and society from a renowned psychiatrist then do carve out about 10 minutes or so of your social networking hour to follow that magical magic marker…

Clinton Stark
Clinton shoots videos for Stark Insider. San Francisco Bay Area arts, Ingmar Bergman and French New Wave, and chasing the perfect home espresso shot 25 seconds at a time (and failing). Peloton: ClintTheMint. Camera: Video Gear