Women of Loreto
Women of Loreto
Her name was Ariel...

I’ve been told that I should focus on people sometimes in these Loreto updates on Stark Insider. Foodie shots, landscapes and casas are well and good, but what about the personal story?

Well, I thought I would start where most guys would start: with the women.

Over the days I’ve met many fantastic chicas; around town, strolling the Malecon, in the art shops (a real hot spot), in restaurants, and, even in a touristy souvenir shop.

Oddly, most are not keen to strike up conversation. Some even appear oddly disfigured, like a Picasa met a lawnmower perhaps. It was a welcome break not to have any of them remind me — as much as I deserve the scorn — to learn Spanish (it’s the #1 priority).

But just like the town of Loreto itself, the memory is ever-lasting. The soul is stirred. Tread lightly, you might say.

Women of Loreto Baja California Sur
Her name was Lola...
Her name was Abelena...
Her name was Muchosamor
Her name was Shakiratoo...
Her name was Shakiratoo...
Her name was Noviasuave...
Her name was Noviasuave...
Her name was Atleta...
Her name was unknown...
Her name was Perdón...

Okay, I admit it, the Baja heat does provoke the warped, the imagination…

Clinton Stark
Clinton shoots videos for Stark Insider. San Francisco Bay Area arts, Ingmar Bergman and French New Wave, and chasing the perfect home espresso shot 25 seconds at a time (and failing). Peloton: ClintTheMint. Camera: Video Gear