Loreto nursery

Loreto nursery

Some days in Loreto are about working a to-do list of little projects here and there around the casa. On this day it was the courtyard garden (Santa Anita, one of the nurserys in town), and some electrical work (yours truly). The goal with the garden: (a) low maintenance, since we’re not here to prune on a regular basis; (b) some shade would be nice, so we hope the black olive tree here will do the trick.

Santa Anita nursery in Loreto
Santa Anita nursery in Loreto

The courtyard fountain continues to sound like a toilet. I think there is an issue with the drainage. It’s located below the water supply and when water is released large bubbles results because of the lack of air/oxygen. Just my theory. I could be wrong. And, yes, I know this is riveting stuff.

Because the Internet connection has been decent, working while staying in the little casa is a realistic possibility.

The new plants.
The new plants.
I like this cactus - something we wouldn't see back home.
I like this cactus - something we wouldn't see back home.
The photo that needs no introduction. Those familiar with Loreto Baja know it very very well. I actually had to contort myself and squeeze into the freezer for the T2i shot. All for your extraordinary enjoyment.
The photo that needs no introduction. Those familiar with Loreto Baja know it very very well. I actually had to contort myself and squeeze into the freezer for the T2i shot. All for your extraordinary enjoyment.
Moon over Loreto - on Sat (today) it will be at its fullest in 20 years.
Moon over Loreto - on Sat (today) it will be at its fullest in 20 years.
Orlando's new restaurant next to La Michiocana is doing gang-busters.
Orlando's new restaurant next to La Michiocana is doing gang-busters.
Construction project on HIghway 1 next to the entrance to Loreto is a good economic sign.
Construction project on Highway 1 next to the entrance to Loreto is a good economic sign.
LB Golf Course is looking stellar! Imagine 18 rounds with views of the Sierra de la Giganta and Sea of Cortez. Not me, though. I play hockey.
LB Golf Course is looking stellar! Imagine 18 rounds with views of the Sierra de la Giganta and Sea of Cortez. Not me, though. I play hockey.
Today was all about electrical. Installed 3rd light cover here in foreground in courtyard. And put in some "pots" as we used to say in CDN above the island. My favorite part: Unlocking the wiring mysteries.
Today was all about electrical. Installed 3rd light cover here in foreground in courtyard. And put in some "pots" as we used to say in CDN above the island. My favorite part: Unlocking the wiring mysteries.
Clinton Stark
Clinton shoots videos for Stark Insider. San Francisco Bay Area arts, Ingmar Bergman and French New Wave, and chasing the perfect home espresso shot 25 seconds at a time (and failing). Peloton: ClintTheMint. Camera: Video Gear