Downtown Loreto, Sierra de la Giganta in the distance.
Downtown Loreto, Sierra de la Giganta in the distance.
Downtown Loreto, Sierra de la Giganta in the distance.
Downtown Loreto, Sierra de la Giganta in the distance.

When you’re in Loreto, surrounded by this astonishing beauty — it’s nature-tastic! — there’s a gutural instinct to bring the outdoors in.

For us today, it meant an oil painting. A fish. It was just one of several “incremental” furnishings that adds yet another welcome dollop of personality to this little casa by the Sea of Cortez.

Since we took possession of this home last year we’ve decided to furnish it slowly, one trip at a time. It all starts with a blow-up bed (no, not doll … p.s. Charlie – I have my own Goddess, gracias señor). With a surprisingly comfortable Aerobed anything is then possible.

Last visit in 2010 we bought an Alder dining room table and then purchased some decorative small chairs from Gustavo. For me, they’re just this side of effeminate cutesy.

But why complain my friends: I have grill, Tecate, wi-fi. What, me worry?!


Bossie in Loreto

So this is the fish. I really do like this oil painting. It’s an original by a Mexican artist. It wouldn’t match the Tuscan trappings back home which is another reason why I’m so glad to have it here in Loreto — it’s different, whimsical and colorful. Coming to a wall near you, as soon as I can find some concrete nails.

Speaking of fish — I know, they really are mammals — we’re off to see some whales on the Pacific side of the Baja tomorrow.

Gringo, no? Well, we’ve all been there, nomads and all. If you’re not moved by the sight of a magnificent whale and her baby, swimming, spinning and show-boating then you’re most definitely not winning. Video last night at the Giovenco’s was heart-stopping. Apparently March is an ideal time to whale watch (and pet). So off we go, south on Baja Highway 1 then over to San Ignacio. I hope to capture the drama with Canon T2i in full 1080p 24ps glory. But will they be game for a blooper or two?


Inside Casa Del Lagarto Azul: One piece at a time. This might take few more years!
Inside Casa Del Lagarto Azul: One piece at a time. This might take few more years!

Yes, Gustavo, the inspiring Loreto entrepreneur, was right. After we decided to go with the love seat he said, “Are you sure? I guarantee you’ll call me and want the sofa!” Sure enough, after his crew left, I stared at the small love seat. It alone was not enough to anchor a room — like doll furniture I told doey-eyed Loni. Plus there was no way I could stretch out and nap on that thing. Horrors! But what really broke the camels back: how on earth could I give a dreamy, stretched-out Loni a foot massage on the thing? A quick cell call and Gustavo was swapping it out for the man-sized piece you see pictured above. The bachelor in me says, “Siiiiiiiiiiiiii!” Tecate, tecos and siestas.


I ran out of creative juice on the third “F”. I asked Loni if she knew any other f-words that could help complete the brilliant fish and furniture train of thought. A blank stare. Then a stream of sailor-like expletives. I play hockey and even I admit this was an impressive performance. Or maybe it’s just that this working vacation concept is an awkward concept. I might get used this yet.

Subtle sophistication is emerging in downtown Loreto. PanOli is a great example. The European-inspired bakery is a favorite morning destination. Aroma of fresh goods wafts into the streets.
Subtle sophistication is emerging in downtown Loreto. PanOli is a great example. The European-inspired bakery is a favorite morning destination. Aroma of fresh goods wafts into the streets.
I bought one of these today at Panoli for 150 pesos (~ $1.20 US). Have no idea what it is. But I'm quite confident it will pass the test.
I bought one of these today at Panoli for 150 pesos (~ $1.20 US). Have no idea what it is. But I'm quite confident it will pass the test.
Downtown Loreto has one traffic light. This is it. And, yes, it's always Red for me... not that I'm in any kind of rush.
Downtown Loreto has one traffic light. This is it. And, yes, it's always Red for me... not that I'm in any kind of rush.

Tomorrow: Whale footage from the Pacific Ocean that either astonishes or underwhelms…

Clinton Stark
Clinton shoots videos for Stark Insider. San Francisco Bay Area arts, Ingmar Bergman and French New Wave, and chasing the perfect home espresso shot 25 seconds at a time (and failing). Peloton: ClintTheMint. Camera: Video Gear