Google Nexus S

Google Nexus SGoogle’s first attempt at branding their own Android smartphone, Nexus, didn’t exactly light the world on fire back in February. The phone was decent, but sales were unspectacular, a result that doesn’t please the Mountain View kingpin.

Part of the problem was distribution.

Google made the Nexus one available only via its web site, directly to consumers. The problem? Selling consumer electronics is not their forte.

With the Nexus S Android smartphone, Google appears to have at least solved the distribution issue. By selecting Best Buy, they’ve smartly sided with a potential white knight for the second go round.

Nexus S, which has surfaced in hands-on reports this morning (Engadget: Google Nexus S preview), sports Android 2.3 (“Gingerbread”) which purports to offer the flagship Google mobile OS experience. Per Joshua Topolsky’s report: “Firstly the phone feels fast… The UI has also been nipped and tucked all over the place, with icons and navigational elements taking on more of a buffed glass feel.”

The new phone is being released just as Apple brings its pop-phenom, the iPhone 4, to Verizon. Android previously ruled the roost on the carrier, but with Apple’s imminent arrival, the speedy growth of Android will face its first real test.

According to Google, the Nexus S hits Best Buy online Dec. 16, and in-store Dec. 20. Just in time for you know what.

Clinton Stark
Clinton shoots videos for Stark Insider. San Francisco Bay Area arts, Ingmar Bergman and French New Wave, and chasing the perfect home espresso shot 25 seconds at a time (and failing). Peloton: ClintTheMint. Camera: Video Gear