HeyWire Messages

HeyWire is a new take on group messaging, or as the company refers to it: a social communications hub that is truly global in nature. Simple one-to-one carrier-based text messaging models of yesteryear are going the way of the teletype; we’re moving into a new era of multi-client, international, open based messaging and chat.

Our App of the day, HeyWire, is a great example. And unlike potential competitors such as Moto Blur, you get your own phone number that can follow you across clients be it on your iPhone or your desktop via the Web.

The pitch: free messaging across the world (114 countries). Integration of Instant Messaging (360 mobile carriers), Facebook and Twitter into a cross-platform client.

For example, you want to send a message to ten friends. With HeyWire you just select your contacts, compose the message and send it off. Regardless if your friends use Facebook, regular text messaging, or Twitter, they will receive the same message. For the user it means you can get a single snapshot of all your social communications without having to jump back and forth across other apps.

HeyWire for iPhone

“The secret is out,” CEO Meredith Flynn-Ripley told Stark Insider last month at gdgt Live San Francisco. “People prefer to use either texting or chatting versus voice.”

Give it a go, it’s available on iTunes now. Here’s the video from gdgt Live with a demo and more information about the service.


Unlimited international texting and chatting in real-time.

Available for: Apple iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch (coming soon for Android, BlackBerry)

Cost: Free

What we like: Simple interface, integration of IM, Facebook, Google Talk and Twitter, provides personal phone #

Competitors: Google Voice (downside: no support for International, Facebook, Twitter), Motorola Blur (downside: handset driven)

CEO: Meredith Flynn-Ripley

Business Model: Freemium, ad-supported – currently deliver ads to 25 countries

Investors: Lauder Partners

More information: www.heywire.com

Clinton Stark
Clinton shoots videos for Stark Insider. San Francisco Bay Area arts, Ingmar Bergman and French New Wave, and chasing the perfect home espresso shot 25 seconds at a time (and failing). Peloton: ClintTheMint. Camera: Video Gear