The LAB at Rockwell Group, Plug-In-Play

The LAB at Rockwell Group, Plug-In-PlayI’m pleased to announce that SSC is a media sponsor for the upcoming 2010 01SJ Biennial conference here in San Jose next month. This marks another milestone for the little web-publication-that-could: our first media sponsorship.

Of all the things we cover here, I’m especially proud of what we’ve accomplished with Theater & Arts; after all, they enrich our lives, foster cultural development, and often leave us inspired, in a sense of awe–or sometimes just confused. Ah, yes, the wonder of the right brain.

The 01SJ Biennial is best described as a conference on the leading edge: a “Mash-up,” say in the spirit of SXSW and other innovative events that combine the best of tech, arts and digital culture. That, plus its San Jose location–the Capital of Silicon Valley–make it a perfect fit for an SSC media sponsorship.

SSC BiennialOne of our goals here is to promote the arts, and where possible inspire others to support them, and do our part to foster community around the non-profit scene here in the Bay Area. It’s not the easiest thing to do. But it’s far easier than the monumental task many of these organizations face in this challenging economic environment; no easy feat pulling together the necessarily resources to stage events, shows, and exhibitions–whether they are large ones such as the 01SJ Biennial or smaller ones at theater houses around the area such as Dragon in Palo Alto or Berkeley Playhouse. Volunteers, who generously commit to these causes, are a big part of the equation.

In their words, “The 2010 01SJ Biennial is predicated on the notion that as artists, designers, engineers, architects, marketers, corporations and citizens we have the tools to (re)build the world, conceptually and actually, virtually and physically, poorly and better, aesthetically and pragmatically, in both large and small ways.”

KarmetiK Collective - Ajay Kapur/Curtis Bahn
KarmetiK Collective - Ajay Kapur/Curtis Bahn

Like you, I’m tremendously excited to discover what’s in store at this year’s conference.

When creativity intersects with tech the possibilities are endless. It only comes every two years, so if you want to fire-up your neurons, spark some ideas, and get a glimpse into what the future of the world might look like, you should check out their web site for more details and tickets.

It runs September 16-19 at three downtown venues: South Hall, San Jose Museum of Art; The Tech Museum; and the San Jose Museum of Quilts & Textiles.

Keep your eyes on SSC for upcoming interviews, stories, videos and photos from the 01SJ Biennial. And… never look at Gift Horse in the face.

Other 01SJ Biennial media sponsors include: NBC Bay Area, Art in America, Metro, SF Weekly, Art Ltd., 7×7.

Gift Horse (2010) is a large-scale sculpture of the mythological Trojan Horse, which the artists will present to the San Jose Museum of Art in a public ceremony during the 01SJ Biennial. Photo Credit: Peter Harris.
Gift Horse (2010) is a large-scale sculpture of the mythological Trojan Horse, which the artists will present to the San Jose Museum of Art in a public ceremony during the 01SJ Biennial. Photo Credit: Peter Harris.
Clinton Stark
Clinton shoots videos for Stark Insider. San Francisco Bay Area arts, Ingmar Bergman and French New Wave, and chasing the perfect home espresso shot 25 seconds at a time (and failing). Peloton: ClintTheMint. Camera: Video Gear