I love getting photos and emails from everyone who has downloaded the plans to my vegetable planter box and built one, two or even three of their very own. These photos come from S. Curry who also took some of the advice from the many comments posted and made some modifications.
This is a great idea for a Mother’s Day gift that is thoughtful and unlike a bouquet of flowers, it will keep giving throughout the season and for many years to come!
Hi Loni — thanks for your great plans!
Here are the (minor) changes my dad & I made for ours:
* Used 2x4s for the inside supports instead of 2x2s
* Left a small gap at the bottom of those supports so we didn’t have to jigsaw them to fit the bottom slats (seen best in picture 157).
* Used bolts on the bottom as recommended by another reader — as well as plastic mesh.
Thanks again!
Thanks Steve for sending in your photos and happy gardening!

Happy Gardening!