Nothing like a Canon T2i to start getting things done around the house. It’s much more interesting now to capture before and after photos while playing with a new gadget. So far the T2i just blows me away. It’s solid, fast, easy to use and, at least to my dodgy eyes, produces remarkable shots—not to mention video at full cinematic 1080p/24.

So now to-dos like cleaning one of the fountains takes on new meaning. Aha! Excuse to take more photos. Maybe I’ll test high speed shutter to see if I can catch a water drop with sun’s reflection (check!).

I haven’t had this much fun since trusty Moto Droid arrived last fall. Well, of course I’m not counting all the wonderful times I spend chasing Loni through the streets of San Francisco, San Jose and Berkeley with a shaky handcam.

While Loni is traveling across Brussels, Paris and London, I get to hold fort, and enjoy a few bachelor moments. And the T2i is just the ticket.

It finally feels like Spring. Birds are chirping, flying all over the place, stopping in occasionally at the fountain. Rabbits are hopping around looking quite pleased with the order of things. Small planes buzz across the clear blue sky. Cows are mooing. And I’m rambling. It must be time for a weekend beer.

Oh, a few others too while I sit out back soaking in a rare full day appearance of sun (finally):

  • Radio Paradise
  • Espresso for AM, Diet Coke PM, Napa Chard for evening (for some reason I’m on a real Chrd tear these days)
  • BBQ with full tank of propane
  • Tweetdeck to follow all the wine, theater news, and bloggers; and to see what Loni’s up to via Facebook (hmmm, chocolate making class in Paris…)
  • A faithful little dog… well, actually still working on that one…

I’m looking forward to getting down to Loreto again soon with the new gear.

The T2i is hard to find in stock. Try B&H Photo $899 (search for “T2i”).

Clinton Stark
Clinton shoots videos for Stark Insider. San Francisco Bay Area arts, Ingmar Bergman and French New Wave, and chasing the perfect home espresso shot 25 seconds at a time (and failing). Peloton: ClintTheMint. Camera: Video Gear