Halfdan Hussey, co-founder Cinequest
No butts about it, Cinequest is for Mavericks.

Take a deep breath, get out your favorite walking shoes, grab your Netbook. Cinequest Film Festival 20 is only 5 days away, opening on February 23 with The Good Heart. A good calendar or organizer might not be a bad idea either. The amount of films, events, sessions, and parties is impressively large.

Our countdown continues with another Question of the Day for Halfdan Hussey, co-founder of the festival. This time, we ask about distribution. It’s obviously one of the biggest goals of any film-maker; get their film seen by as many people as possible, and recoup investment, possibly make money. Not so easy these days.

As Halfdan says, “Less than 1% of traditional films get distributed by the studios.”

But the the new Cinequest Mavericks Studio he hopes to bring some additional resources to the table. “We can discover a screenplay,” he continue. “We can bring in A-list talent…to create this dynamic that will really foster everyone’s success and artistic power.”

Well said. The program kicks of this year.

Maybe this video should be PG-13. Butt shot alert!

In case you missed it, I’ve been screening some films, and have been very impressed so far. Not a dud to date, and I won’t be afraid to say so (as much as it pains me).  Here’s the link to catch up on all the reviews and news.

Clinton Stark
Clinton shoots videos for Stark Insider. San Francisco Bay Area arts, Ingmar Bergman and French New Wave, and chasing the perfect home espresso shot 25 seconds at a time (and failing). Peloton: ClintTheMint. Camera: Video Gear