San Francisco Bay Area Theater and Arts GuideThe Bay Area Theater and Arts Guide continues to grow. Today, I’m pleased to announce that we’ve added four new theaters to the guide which you can find here. Welcome to Pear Avenue Theatre (Mountain View), Center REP Theatre (Walnut Creek), Cirque du Soleil (OVO in San Jose, opening this week), and Palo Alto Players (Palo Alto).

The Bay Area is all a stage!

This now brings the number of venues, theaters, and performing houses to 24, all of which we actively cover here on StarkSilverCreek. Or at least we will die trying. There are more to come.

To say we’ve been overwhelmed is an understatement of Oprah-like proportions.

Thank you again to all the theater houses, operas, symphonies, events that allow us to work with you, cover your shows, and share the joys, ups, downs, that is live theater. We appreciate and welcome your support of new media, the new world of social networking, and all of the 2.0 technologies that enable us to bring your message, your hard work to new audiences. We truly do enjoy every second.

You’ll note an eclectic mix. We seek to cover not just the large budget, high visibility productions, but also the smaller, community and regional-based theaters, that are often tucked away. In my estimation these are often diamonds in the rough, worth discovering. It’s an amazing experience to walk through a dimly lit office park, to find an intimate theater alive with creative energy.

Our goal has always been to bring a Web 2.0 flavor to theater, arts, wine, travel, and independent film—with a dash of tech since we’re based in Silicon Valley. First and foremost, we respect all the artists, creative talent and the untold amount of energy they put into their work. Given the economic environment it has not been easy these days. As Rick Lombardo told us when we sat for an interview last year, there was a bailout for the auto industry, a bailout for the banking industry, and a bailout for just about everything else too. Except the arts. And, that, to me is a shame. The arts enrich our world. Stir our imagination, and give meaning to every day lives.

But, please remember: we’re only half as smart.

If you would like to be included in the theater guide, please use the contact form. Also, you can send press releases, photo calls, and other relevant information and inquiries to press (at)

Clinton Stark
Clinton shoots videos for Stark Insider. San Francisco Bay Area arts, Ingmar Bergman and French New Wave, and chasing the perfect home espresso shot 25 seconds at a time (and failing). Peloton: ClintTheMint. Camera: Video Gear