It’s that time of year. We reflect. Enjoy the company of family and friends. And potentially reflect more, with an eggnog hangover.

Soon I’ll enjoy a white Christmas as we head North for our annual Canadian trek. It’s a tradition I never tire of.

As I think about that trip, I realize the 3 most important things in life…

1. Gadgets

I almost listed Fry’s Electronics here. It’s a close call. But there are many places—including online sites and blogs— to satisfy the 24/7 gadget craving that seems to have engulfed the entire nation, one downloadble app at a time.

2. Diet Coke

It’s the “bridge” soda. Or maybe transition is a better word. How else would I get from morning espresso to evening wine? Diet Coke, you’re the best. Especially that first sip.

3. Moto Droid

Droid. Ah, yes, at a recent dinner outing, Loni has already threatened to run you over with her car in front of a small crowd. But don’t fret, that’s why you’re made of glass and metal. Me? Just flesh and blood; declining voice recognition, and terrible with directions.

Clinton Stark
Clinton shoots videos for Stark Insider. San Francisco Bay Area arts, Ingmar Bergman and French New Wave, and chasing the perfect home espresso shot 25 seconds at a time (and failing). Peloton: ClintTheMint. Camera: Video Gear