U2 PopMart Ticket Toronto Skydome 1997Isn’t it fun knowing something your friend doesn’t?

And even better when you can make use of that knowledge to win a small wager. In this case, I knew without question that at some point during the spectacle that was U2’s 1997 Popmart tour, the band would “delemon” (?) from a giant disco lemon.

As we sat in the SkyDome restaurant the day before the concert, we watched the crew set-up the stage.

Lemon5With the lemon ball seemingly miles away form our outfield vantage, it seemed inconceivable at the time that Bono would sway down a set of mirrored stairs singing about a lemon.

Of course, now adays it’s routine for the innovative Irish rockers. A lemon is nothing. Now they save the world, play monster shows on 360 degree stages, and, possibly most amazingly, maintain their hair lines.

Also that evening, I temporarily lost my brand new Motorola StarTac phone, which created much concern. The phone cost probably at least $700 at the time and Nortel would not be pleased. Luckily, the next day I found it somehow hidden away in my clothing-a combination of spirited dancing and hopping to “Where the Streets Have No Name” had lodged the phone in a distant land. PopMart was that kind of evening. And, much like holding the first ever Ottawa Sens tailgate party (with no others in attendance), it’s a scorching memory.

Clint and Barry blaze a trail in Ottawa Sens parking lot: If you tailgate, will they come?
Clint and Barry blaze a trail in Ottawa Sens parking lot: If you tailgate, will they come?
Clinton Stark
Clinton shoots videos for Stark Insider. San Francisco Bay Area arts, Ingmar Bergman and French New Wave, and chasing the perfect home espresso shot 25 seconds at a time (and failing). Peloton: ClintTheMint. Camera: Video Gear