Here’s a quick look at our home in Agua Viva in Loreto Bay.

Some noteworthy items so far:

  • The new terminal is open; modern, airy and spacious. I do miss the palapa style roof of the old one.
  • Villa group timeshare sales people are still full-on; when you leave immigration and head towards car rental, they attempt to rope you in “You must confirm here…” – Loni and I recognized the salesperson from before.
  • Weather this week has been stellar; not too humid, but warm and on occasion in the sun, it does get quite hot. Earlier according to others, it has been scorching hot.
  • The 2nd annual paella contest was a huge success with a large crowd, tonnes of paella, wine, beer and music; we managed to interview the owner/wine maker of one Baja’s emerging wineries – stay tuned for that!
  • La Michioacana has expanded: Orlando greeted us with a huge grin, handshakes and hugs… they have a small food stand next to the ice cream store.
  • Dave and Cathy hosted a dinner party in Founder’s – Brit humor was a bonus. What good times!
  • There is activity on the ground in Loreto Bay – many workers (not sure exact number), home building.

More to come, we’re shooting video (in HD this time) for episodes of Loreto Live TV, interviewing lots of people, including a special guest next week (which I won’t give away), and also tweeting and Facebooking. It’s an amazing time, once again here in Loreto.

Clinton Stark
Clinton shoots videos for Stark Insider. San Francisco Bay Area arts, Ingmar Bergman and French New Wave, and chasing the perfect home espresso shot 25 seconds at a time (and failing). Peloton: ClintTheMint. Camera: Video Gear