Illy on Facebook and TwitterIf I guessed right, a lot of readers here like espresso. And wine of course. But that’s evening wear mostly. This morning I received an email from Illy, of “all things espresso and red and white.” They make some decent grinds. Pricey, but there are some machine package deals to be had.

The news in the email announced that Illy was finally joining the social media club, and now had accounts on the two darlings: Twitter and Facebook—a friendship born of Midnight Cowboy proportions.

Seems like a good bit of social media news to share with you.

So, yes that is all I have this morning. No rambling tech stuff. Just to say, that if you like espresso check out their Tweets and FB fan page to get the latest… although I really can’t say if they’ll have anything decent to talk about. Give me a few weeks on that.

n93846062975_2808If you start receiving a non-stop stream of marketing blather, just un-follow. If not, maybe you’ve found a new BFF and drink recipe.

Illy on Twitter

Illy on Facebook

(Note: one thing I don’t understand actually… Illy’s Facebook and Twitter updates date back several months now. But the email announced the news as if it’s new today. Kind of odd. Maybe a re-launch? It’s like Apple saying they have a great new product, iPhone, just announced this month, in time for holidays… you should get one. Speaking of mobile, stay tuned for some posts I’ll try to get out on Google Android handsets. The market is exploding with all kinds of goodies! Ciao)

Clinton Stark
Clinton shoots videos for Stark Insider. San Francisco Bay Area arts, Ingmar Bergman and French New Wave, and chasing the perfect home espresso shot 25 seconds at a time (and failing). Peloton: ClintTheMint. Camera: Video Gear