From Artesa, can you see Sonoma?
From Artesa, can you see Sonoma?
From Artesa, can you see Sonoma?

Version 2.0 of the Wine Bloggers’ Conference kicks-off on Friday in Sonoma. Over 200 wine bloggers from across the US (and world?) are flying in for 3-days of conference proceedings. Well, that may be a corporate descriptor for something that will prove anything but. I expect it will be a unique experience.

Wine blogging, like a lot of its Web 2.0 counterparts, is a fledgling phenomenon. Is it really sustainable… to have hundreds, possibly thousands, of different voices out on the Web? Of course, the answer is yes. As long as nobody is making any money, and the goal is something intrinsic: passion, craziness, absolute love for wine, flowery writing, spitting.

I do, however, find it a tad ironic that while the economy is on its death bed, wine bloggers are jumping in with absolute zest. Does this prove, yet again, that people turn to their favorite vices (and netbooks) when times are changing?

Practing for WBC09 the old school way: no netbook, no iPhone, no OMG
Practicing for WBC09 the old school way: no netbook, no iPhone, no OMG
Clinton Stark
Clinton shoots videos for Stark Insider. San Francisco Bay Area arts, Ingmar Bergman and French New Wave, and chasing the perfect home espresso shot 25 seconds at a time (and failing). Peloton: ClintTheMint. Camera: Video Gear