2006 Chateau Haut-Sorillon Bordeaux, Bordeaux Superieur Controlee

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VERDICT: "Alrighty then"
France, Bordeaux Superieur Controlee
Bordeaux, 12.5% alc.
Review by Clinton Stark

Bordeaux Supérieur? Probablement pas. But, for $7.99, a good try nevertheless.

This is a Trader Joe’s selection, and all things considered is not half bad, especially for the price. Just don’t expect it to live up to its claim as a superior Bordeaux.

Overall, you get what you pay for. The nose is way laid back, with subtle hints of berry, vanilla, but dominated by tannins. After 30-60 minutes, the tannins do settle somewhat. But the flavors still are weak, like rabbit juice. Not bad necessarily. Just don’t expect much fruit.

As usual with some of these wines, I taste, and then if it’s not exactly lighting the world on fire, I decant over night. Why not? Nothing to lose by really letting it open up. Sure enough, it was better the next day. I’m not sure what that says about this wine or me. But it makes a hum-drum, below average wine, just a little better.

I ended up pairing it with a small, slow-cooked steak. The wine was no match. Nice try mes amis. La fois prochaine… is that right? My French is so rusty after leaving Canada 11 years ago. In any language: 84 points. Then again, for $8 who am I kidding?!

Clinton Stark
Clinton shoots videos for Stark Insider. San Francisco Bay Area arts, Ingmar Bergman and French New Wave, and chasing the perfect home espresso shot 25 seconds at a time (and failing). Peloton: ClintTheMint. Camera: Video Gear