Yesterday, we received the property management newsletter from Loreto Bay. It weighs in at 3 pages and contains limited information. Still, we’re glad that LBC continues to make efforts in the area of communication with all of us homeowners.
However, don’t expect any ground breaking information or insights into the sale in this newsletter. Think of it more like a warm and fuzzy People magazine than a hard-hitting AC360/CNN breaking news segment.
The highlights include (with a link to the PDF below):
- A new Preventative Maintenance Program created by the Construction Department and Engineering Director it is focused on two things: 1. inclusion of appliances that weren’t previously included and 2. Agua Viva specific appliances. There wasn’t more detail on the program, however, they recommend you contact your Property Manager Inspector or visit myloretobay for more information.
- You can pay property management services by check.
- Product of the month are wireless doorbells now available from Loreto Bay; it’s made by Heath Zenith (Modern Collection, Batter Operated, Off-White) and is pre-approved by the Condominium Regime Design Review Committee.
- An update on the Sub Regime Annual Meetings & Condominium Regime Assessments; noted that meetings were held and most budgets approved unanimously. Property Management will work directly with the regimes to make payments on behalf of homeowners. The estimated CR assessment is $250 (quarterly fund assessment).
- Employee profile of the month: Estuardo de Ganges (joined August 2008), assists home owners in getting their homes certified for the Discover Loreto Bay Rental Program.
- May 21 – 24 Golf Tournament
- June 11 – 14 Fun in the Sun
- July 16 – 19 Summer Fishing Tournament
There you have it. The wireless doorbell sounds like not a bad idea… not sure though if it’s an issue, don’t people just yell and holler, or throw sandals at your window to get attention?
To download original PDF newsletter, click here and look for May 2009.