Winemaking has always been known to be part art, part science. You never think about it, swirling, tasting and enjoying that elegant Pinot without a care (except financial) in the world. But did you know that same formula holds true for grape engineering?

Yes, everything from cloning vine stocks, evolving unique strains and even mapping DNA are all part of what happens behind the scenes in labs across the country.

So with interest I read about this new muscadine grape cultivar, coming out of the University of Florida of all places. According to a UPI article it has those sought after, magical qualities: “ripens early and is disease-resistant”.

And, the name they chose… drum-roll please…

… “Delicious”.

Ok, what happens when you put 10 scientists in a room and ask them to name a grape; why this tastes delicious. But what should we call it, and tell the world? “Delicious”! We’ve struck gold. 

But wait, can it really be used for wine production? Probably not as it is intended mostly for eating only. Although a panel of 30 winemakers (let me guess, U of Florida winemaking 101 students…), said the “Delicious” grape rated similar to “Carlos”, a popular cultivar for wine.

[Thanks John!]

[Source:, New muscadine grape is developed]

Clinton Stark
Clinton shoots videos for Stark Insider. San Francisco Bay Area arts, Ingmar Bergman and French New Wave, and chasing the perfect home espresso shot 25 seconds at a time (and failing). Peloton: ClintTheMint. Camera: Video Gear